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Unser Immunsystem

immune system

The human body comes into contact with numerous pathogens every day.

Regardless of whether it is a virus, bacteria or harmful substance, our body must always be ready to protect itself from them. And that's exactly why he developed a rather sophisticated mechanism: the immune system.

This is how our immune system works

The complex defense system consists of cells (e.g. white blood cells), organs (e.g. the spleen or lymph nodes) and protein bodies (e.g. antibodies). Special messenger substances are used for communication within the immune system.[1]

Our immune system is made up of unspecific (innate) and specific (acquired) immune defenses. These two systems work together and complement each other in the defense against foreign substances. The innate defense in particular has a broad effectiveness against pathogens - and yet: In order to prevent the spread of germs, the specific system also steps in. It specializes in certain "intruders" and also has an unbeatable ace up its sleeve: the lymphocytes, a subgroup of the white blood cells, can fight the pathogens in a targeted manner if they have already had contact with them. They “learn” from the attacks on the body and form specific antibodies[2].

The essential role that the immune system plays for humans is undeniable. The complex mechanism works around the clock to not only protect the body from bacteria or viruses, but also to ward off parasites, fungi and harmful particles[3].

Strengthen the immune system

But every now and then, even the best system needs a little help. There are numerous ways to strengthen the body's defenses and support the immune system. This includes:

  • A healthy lifestyle: get enough exercise, reduce stress, get enough sleep
  • A balanced diet: lots of vegetables, fruit, and foods rich in vitamins and nutrients
  • Drink enough: at least two liters of water a day
  • Soak up the sun: Natural vitamin D supply
  • Regular hand washing and disinfection

Especially older people, pregnant women, children and people who are exposed to a lot of stress, and should therefore pay particular attention to strengthening their immune system.